Dead Living Magazine, Issue 1 follows one of literatures most well-known horror writers - Edgar Allan Poe. The Red Death is coming!
Congratulations, your dead - still - and the afterlife is just getting more and more interesting. Dead Living Magazine, Issue 1 follows one of literatures most well-known horror writers - Edgar Allan Poe. Inside you'll find new NPCs such as Virginia Clemm Poe, The Valravn Kiara and the angel Abyness; new equipment and magic Items inspired from Poe's works such as the Gold Bug, the Brick of Amontillado, the Ebony Clock, the Mask of the Red Death and the Pendulumn of the Pit; and denizens such as ghasts, ice angel, plague imps and valrans.
The Masque of the Red Death story arc introduces the Red Death and his plans for both Edgar and Virginia Poe as he maneuvers to snuff the Hereafter into darkness. Can the valravn Kiara protect them from the grip of entropy? You tell us...
This is one of several short magazines to help introduce additional content to your games and eventually showcase fan-made material.
Dead Living Magazine, Issue 1, is a must have for the Poe enthusiast.
Pages: 31
Edition: 1st
Format: PDF